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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Muñoz-Lepore

The Re's of Mercury Rx at The Brooklyn Brujería Festival

September 18, 2022

Mercury retrograde goals: rest, revisit, reflect, reevaluate, realign, rewrite, renew, remember, reconnect. A bunch of planets go retrograde all the time and the truth is the slower moving ones won’t have as much as an impact on our day to day lives as the fast flying ruler of thinking and communication. When mercury goes retrograde you’ll hear people get frustrated by all the things that aren’t going as planned in the mercurial realm: transportation, tech, communication. And this is all likely felt as true if we are in linear mode (if you have a metaphorical 9-5, that’s all of us). Mercury in reverse reminds us that our lives are anything but straight lines. Lean into the re’s until October 2nd. Take your time to respond vs reacting.

Grateful for this moment of respite at BreadXButta's sonic altar at the Brooklyn Brujería Festival to remind me to realign and reconnect to the current cosmic season even if it’s slow. Other photos feature flags made by Chiquita Brujita, festival organizer and founder, colorful reminders to tap into our collective imaginations of community, power, resilience, freedom and magic. Also the festival displayed the Puerto Rican flag with a flipped color scheme — as of late we often see the traditional red, white and blue flag in black and white paying homage to Boricua mourning and resistance — putting it in yellow offers up a fresh vibe of heritage and joy as resistance. A mercury re-configuration.

If you have mercury retrograde stories highlighting your re’s, feel free and welcome to share in the comments.


In November, my partner and I had the pleasure of interviewing Chiquita Brujita, festival organizer and founder on our podcast. Check it out here.

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