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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Muñoz-Lepore

Winter Solstice 2022: Grounding, Planning, & Partying

Updated: Dec 21, 2022

December 15, 2022

The winter solstice for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere means that we experience both the shortest day and longest night of the year. Astrologically at 4:49 pm on December 21st 2022 it ushers in Capricorn season. Capricornian energy reminds us of all that is connected to time, endurance, long-term commitment, and serious hard work. Capricorn is ruled by the industrious heavy-hitting planet Saturn. Saturn is often the planet that deals with reality checks– hello, Saturn returns–some harsher than others of course. But slowly over time Saturn reminds us that which we ignore will have no problem confronting us later. Didn’t pay that bill, Saturn will greet you with a collections notice. Never wanted to brush or floss, Saturn will be scheduling your expensive ass root canal. Didn’t update your winter coat– the winter doesn’t give AF. Yes, the nights are dark and the winter will be cold but we knew it was coming. Capricorn, the wise elder energy that it is, wants us to take it and ourselves seriously so we are prepared. Wherever Saturn is placed or rules in our chart, there will be a weightiness, a seriousness, an area where it may be harder to cut corners or take lightly. The Capricornian archetype of the mountain goat, slowly climbing the mountain day in and day out might seem boring compared to the mutable and expansive “throw caution to the wind” Sagittarian vibe– but, its cardinal energy is willing to get things going and put in the work. Its energy is often responsible for the structures that form the backbone of anything that is successful and that stands “the test of time.” Prepare for and usher in Capricorn season and the winter months by engaging in practices that:

  • ground in the body (yoga, dance, intentional physical movement)

  • identify, befriend and give grace to your shadow so you can stay connected to your joy (journal, carve out intentional self-reflection time, meditate)

  • Reflect on and plan for what metaphorical mountains you would like to climb before emerging for the springtime equinox in March!

Also in the sky on the evening of the solstice, we have Mars in Gemini opposing the moon in Sag– this is a transient moment in time– but one where we might feel emotional conflict come up. If you feel activated or triggered, it might be wise to bite your tongue and release some of that energy through art making or physical movement as opposed to verbally lashing out or gossiping, what Mars in Gemini might coax you into wanting to do. Venus in Cap is also trining Uranus in Taurus. A lovely energy for relating to others with seriousness, respect (Venus in Cap) but without necessarily many strings attached (Uranus). The sun is squaring off at 90 degrees with Jupiter the planet of more more more. You may be feeling a pull to party and telling the Sun in serious Cap to f off for a little while. It’s a perfect night to embrace the bling, the extra and the grandiose in all of us. Just of course make sure you don’t overdo it…. Perfect segue for…… The podcast my partner and I host (Surviving The City) along with the podcast/body work company (BEAM + Flow) that our friend Chloé runs are producing a solstice event on 12/21/22 in Williamsburg at 6:30 pm. We're calling it "Una Noche de Joy: A Winter Solstice Gala." There'll be drumming and DJ, a tarot reader, a botánika pop up with plant medicine, a coquito pop up with coquito (virgin and vegan available too!) as well as other dessert treats, and a food vendor to purchase delicious grub. We will also have a reflection wall hosted by Five Boro Story Project and a community altar for those of you that want to bring an offering for the solstice. Here's the eventbrite link to check it out. Check out the flyers below! With lots of big love in the lead up to the solstice,


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